
Showing posts from January, 2019

Watchmaker 12hr sunset time

Its not fancy but it works: Insert in text field: "0"..string.sub(({wssp} * 24)-12,1, 1).. ":".. string.sub("{wss}",4,6)

Watchmaker hours of light/dark per day

string.sub((({wssp}- {wsrp}) * 24), 1,4) Hours of dark: string.sub((1 - {wssp} + {wsrp}) * 24, 1,4)

Watchmaker blinking heart based on heart rate

Image opacity: {drss}%(6 * (1/({shr} / 60))) < 1 and 100 or 0 (i have two heart images, one slightly smaller that blinks purple on top of a red one)  

Watchmaker idea radiation meter ghost detector

Most phones have an electromagnetic radiation detector. Using tasker, you can send the value to watchmaker for display on your face. Tasker will only run a task every 2 minutes.  You can write script that runs the tasker task each second.  Even then it doesnt seem to affect battery. Your watch is now a ghost detector. My 'hack' to run it each second: i call this function from the opacity field (returning 100) like this: var_checkEM({ds}) My watchmaker lua code: function var_checkEM() if var_emChecker == "off" then  return 100 end --run em detector task wm_action('m_task:S3 Em') return 100  --opacity end --

Watchmaker idea adjust media volume from watchface

You can create a tasker task that will adjust your media volume. From your watchface, you can select tap action : run tasker task Hence you can adjust your bluetooth speaker volume from your watchface. (assuming the bt speaker is connected to your phone) Doing this kind of thing, you can add media pause / unpause, skip forward and skip back. 

Watchmaker calculate wind chill

string.sub(((({wt} * 0.6215) + 35.74) - (35.75 * ({wws}^0.16)) + (0.4275 * {wt} * ({wws}^0.16))) - {wt},1,3)..'°F' --Multiply the temperature by 0.6215 and then add 35.74. Subtract 35.75 multiplied by the wind speed calculated to the 0.16 power. Finally, add 0.4275 multiplied by temperature, multiplied by wind speed calculated to the 0.16 power. Your result is defined as T(wc), which equals the current local wind chill factor.

Watchmaker scroll text lua script

V1.11 (changes: scrolls smoother) This script will scroll text. It returns a string that consists of the scrolled text.  It can scroll any number of texts just call it from the text field. Call with: var_textScroll("texthere", integer space to use, integer scroll rate,{dss}) E. G. var_textScroll("some long bit of text", 6,1,{dss}) The {dss} at the end makes watchmaker update it each tick. 1 is the speed of scrolling. It will scroll faster in the wm emulator than the watch.  Higher is faster. 0.5 is slower 6 is how many characters to use --text scroller: put this function in your main watchface script --text scroller var_runTime = {} function var_textScroll(myText,space,interval) var_runTime[myText] = var_runTime[myText] or 0 var_runTime[myText] = var_runTime[myText] + 1 local start local myEnd if not interval then interval = 1 end local length= string.len(myText) --dont scroll if length <= space then return myText end loc...